Hello! If you've found this web page, you've probably been scrolling around on A New Kind Of Monster, wondering what is all this stuff?
This website is the result of my proclivity for starting new projects without finishing the old ones first. It's a collection of ongoing stories, experiments, and uncategorizable material that has no other place to live.
I have five projects simultaneously in-work. Choose the ones that interest you and follow them as I create new material. Here's is the menu:
The Second Death universe - my recent nosleep story and my novella Second Death each tell small parts of a much larger story about the deep past and far future of humankind's afterlife.
The Pass Runner universe - Running hall passes at Westlands High School is a lot more dangerous than you'd think.
Inventing a new kind of monster - I am conducting an unethical series of experiments where I will use data science and and artificial intelligence to invent a new kind of fictional monster. Some of these experiments produce ... unnatural results.
Miscellaneous stories published on on Reddit's r/nosleep, medium, and elsewhere also appear here.
Contingency Plan - It's hard being a supervillain.
How can you follow me?
Follow me on Twitter, where you can not only receive announcements when new stories are ready, but where you can also receive the occasional unfiltered thought that pops into my head.
Follow me here on reddit. I'll post announcements when I've put new material into the world!
Subscribe right here, on this web site. Once I hit a critical mass of subscribers, I'll put out periodic newsletters.
How can you get in touch with me?
I love hearing from readers. What did you like? What didn't you like? Did I make a math mistake in a story? What kinds of material do you want to read? The best way to contact me is to DM me on reddit or Twitter.